Security Systems 

Intruder Alarms 

First and foremost, home and commercial security systems protect you, your property and those inside from burglary, home intrusion and trespassing. Studies have found that 63% of burglaries happened to those without a basic security system.

Our engineers design, supply and install commercial and domestic intruder alarm systems to give you peace of mind whether you are inside the building or not. To ensure long-term customer satisfaction, we only supply equipment of the highest quality, from some of the top manufacturers in the country - you can't put a price on your families safety. 


It is estimated that 40% of households currently have home CCTV, this has significantly increased with the introduction of more accessible systems such as Ring and Ring X. It is clear that having a CCTV/security camera in your home, coupled with an intruder alarm, can reduce your chances of being a victim of burglary. One study has found that 77% of people with at least a basic home security system are not burgled.

To help you decide if a CCTV system is right for you, we will complete a full no obligation survey, find the right system to suit your needs. Not only will CCTV give you the added protection, but it also gives you a better chance to catch and prosecute those who target your home. 

Door Access

It is now commonplace for businesses to have door access systems. The benefits of these systems are far reaching for employers and 'fob in' has even become the new 'clock in'. These systems allow employers to not only monitor staff movements, but protect their contents, ensure compliance with data legislation such as GDPR and stop unwanted visitors from gaining access without approval. 

For more information - Call us on 0333 3662 007 or message us below